отели песчаного
Уютная вилла Пилигрим в Песчаном
Мини-отель Пилигрим с бассейном в сосновом бору на берегу моря
отдых в крыму песчаное
Пляжи Песчаного
Ухоженные широкие песчаные пляжи дали имя поселку на берегу моря с хвойным лесом - Песчаное.
поселок песчаное крым отели
Спортивные развлечения на берегу моря
Спортивные развлечения на берегу моря в п. Песчаное на западном берегу Крыма
село песчаное крым отели
песчаное крым отели с бассейном
песчаное крым отдых с бассейном у моря
Сосновый бор прямо за окном!
Необыкновенный аромат хвои и моря на вилле Пилигрим в Песчаном, Крым
отели песчаного крым
отели песчаного крым
песчаное крым отели у моря
Пляжи Песчаного
Ухоженные широкие песчаные пляжи дали имя поселку на берегу моря с хвойным лесом - Песчаное
отдых у моря крым песчаное
Песчаное, Крым
Вид на Песчаное с высоты птичьего полета


This page was created especially for our foreign guests.

Villa Piligrim

Quiet summer rest on the seaside of the blue-blue sea, aromas of conifers treas, pleasant sea breeze, no troubles and problems… This is not a fairy-tail but the reality! Make yourself a present - the rest in the hotel of Peschanoe “Pilgrim”. Peschanoye is a resort village located in the area between Sevastopol and Evpatoria, related to Bakhchisaray district. It is remarkable for wonderful ecological status and close archeological and natural sights, plantations of Crimea pines surrounding small comfortable hotels of Peschanoe.
Villa “Pilgrim” is located in 50m distance from the sea in the pine grove. The modern hotel contains nine comfortable double and three-persons roomss with a balcony, conditioner, safe, television, bath-room, and refrigerator each. In the apartments and in the territory  there is free Wi-Fi Internet and  with the help of it you will be able to know all urgent news and to share your impressions  from rest with friends.
The design of each apartment of the villa “Pilgrim” is unique. The guests are supplied with special hygienic set, terry towels set. And just such  details make our service quality level very pleasant. The hotel is equipped with the ground  for rest and barbecue. There is an open swimming pool where you can  refresh yourself on a hot day. Excellent conditions for rest in Peschanoe, cordiality and politeness of the personnel, warm sea and picturesque sights – that is what you will remember after the lucky summer holydays in Peschanoe, Crimea.

Crimea, Peschanoe

We can name Peschanoe as the bright example of the resort which didn’t exist just several decades ago. The first resort complex on its seaside was the house of rest “Peschanoe”, the soviet building of which is seen  from any part of the village. But  not long ago there were no dozens of  large and small hotels, inns, children’s camps and health centers. It’s known that the supply of services forms the demand. That is why when the Crimean beautiful place Peschanoe turned going popular among tourists, the owners of the Crimea  tour business became interested in this.There is no doubt that the sea coast here is the best ideal place for family rest. And this factor was the particular cause that  the camps and hotels for rest with children began to appear in this place first. The references about such a rest are the most flattering and the sea here is excellent, the bottom of the sea is velvety, and the sun shines all the time. You can go to many excursions either. The parents share their references  in the internet  and by typical “lively online radio” increase sufficiently  the  demand for rest in Peschanoe.

The prices for rest in Peschanoe are presented by the object of presentation in RUB  for the room for a day in 2023.


  • 26 сент.

    Екатерина Витряк

    Замечательный, небольшой отель! Чистота в номере, кухня с посудой, красивая веранда, все очень понравилось! Море...

  • 08 авг.


    Вилла «Пилигрим», теперь одно из любимейших мест. Спокойное и душевное место. Красивый ландшафт на территории....

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